How are you feeling ?
Anyone can suffer from mental health difficulties. International students are often even more vulnerable because of their new unfamiliar environment. Of course, it is hard to talk about one’s personal problems. But there are people available to talk to about your troubles, no matter the subject. There should be no pressure in seeking help, seeking support.
Motiv is a centre for personal development, working with the TUDelft. One of the services they provide is a student support line. The conversations are confidential and don’t necessarily have to be centered around a specific problem. If you want to talk to someone about your situation or anything in your mind right now, you can email them or call them directly.
Motiv is a partner of DISS, if you want more information about this service, contact us or access it through here

Hii Delft
Hii is created by students, for students with help and feedback from psychologists and student counselors. The goal of this initiative is to develop yourself together with other students with peer support groups and workshops.
access it through here

The TUDelft itself has several psychologists for helping students. Meeting them is very easy. For a short conversation, all you need to do is show up during the walk-in hours at the office. They can advise you to make an appointment for a longer session. These sessions with the psychologists are free of charge. Nevertheless, the longer sessions are limited to 3 sessions per student.
access it through here

If you, or someone around you is in a breakdown and are experiencing suicidal thoughts and / or self-harming. Contact the 113 by online chat or by phone call.
The people behind the line are professionals,
the calls are free and anonymous.

he TU Delft has a page specifically made for helping with your mental and physical health. Including help groups, courses and more.
It is called “Gezonde boel” and offers a wide range of different tracks to help you with certain problems
access it through here

Do you want to help others ?
The Delft International Student Society is looking for enthusiastic members to develop further resources to help with student well-being and mental health. (Ex. support groups, affiliation with local psychologists, awareness campaigns etc.) If you are interested, send us an email at DISS is currently working on a project of creating a Well-Being Centre on the Campus of the TUDelft. Contact us to be part of the project.