Practical Information

New to Delft? Check out these platforms below!


Motiv is a centre for personal development in education and business at the Delft University of Technology and professional schools.

TU Delta

Delta is the journalistic platform of TU Delft, with news, backgrounds and opinion articles about science, education and campus life

Ovedco - Piece of Dutch

Have you been living in the Netherlands for not so long? And are you looking for a useful start-up kit to take your first steps in Dutch society?


An English-language online media platform providing up-to-date information, expat news, job listings, housing services and lifestyle tips for living in the Netherlands

NL Netherlands

It’s all here. A thriving business climate, industry-leading innovation, an inclusive culture and all the elements of career success. The Netherlands welcomes international recruits with open arms, and is continually ranked a great place to live.


Are you looking for other TU Delft students from Poland? Join the Polish Society WhatsApp group chat (Polish speaking only) by clicking on the image!